Florence Move
The biggest Florence's international tournament
268 +
master level players
1696 +
participants over the years
11 +
total editions
10000 +
Fun Level
Could a great chess event be missing in Florece? An event that could make Florence more shining? Absolutely not!!! This great gap has been filled on November 2012 with the first edition of Florence Move: first international chess event played in Florence and organized by "Firenze Scacchi" chess club.
DiscoverA.D. Firenze Scacchiis an amateur sports association founded in 2004 by a group of enthusiasts. The association has always perpetuated its purpose of spreading the game, the culture and the passion of chess in the local realities. He has proposed and continuously offers basic courses to adults (many members who have begun this way now participate in national tournaments), courses for children and teenagers (some of the first children today are the strongest players in the club), courses in schools, libraries and in cultural associations.
Find outThe 2024 edition of Florence Move will be held in the fantastic location made available by Sesto Fiorentino city hall. Easily reachable from Zambra train station. Free parking on the doorstep.
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